

2011-09-17 14:53 互联网
甲方(盖章):_________        乙方(盖章):_________        
法定代表人(签字):_________     法定代表人(签字):_________     
_________年____月____日        _________年____月____日        
签订地点:_________          签订地点:_________          



甲方(盖章):_________        乙方(盖章):_________        
法定代表人(签字):_________     法定代表人(签字):_________     
_________年____月____日        _________年____月____日        
签订地点:_________          签订地点:_________          

第一条 承包内容
第二条 承包期限
第三条 承包指标
第四条 发包方的权利义务
    4.1 在_________年_________月底前,将分公司交给承包方经营管理。
    4.2 负责刻制分公司的公章,分公司帐户的开立和注销,参与分公司的财务管理。
    4.3 如发包方在地区从事项目工程,按工程项目的总额的1%的向承包方支付项目管理费。
第五条 承包方的权利义务
    5.1 承包方必须健全生产、财务管理、工资、劳保福利等制度。承包方每月向发包方申报分公司财务报表;发包方定期审核分公司的各项业务往来。
    5.2 承包方的生产活动不得违反国家的法律。在承包期间如发生工伤事故,承包方应按照国家的有关规定处理。
    5.3 承包方应按时向国家纳税。承包方对承包期间形成的债权债务负全部责任。
    5.4 承包方自主经营权,有权自行招聘职工,有权根据职工的工作效率、身体条件、劳动态度、执行纪律好坏等情况,决定职工工资的多少,调整工作和辞退职工。#p#分页标题#e#
第六条 违约责任
    6.1 发包方如未按第七条终止合同,则应返还承包方向发包方交纳年度承包费。如果造成承包方损失的,发包方还应向承包方赔偿损失。
    6.2 承包方如不按时按量完成上交发包方款项,应按照银行关于迟延付款的规定,向甲方偿付违约金。
第七条 合同解除
    7.1 承包方未按第一条规定的承包内容而从事其他经营活动的;
    7.2 承包方未经发包方同意私自开立银行帐户的;或者承包方的财务报表【含应收账款和应付账款】与事实不符的;
    7.3 未按期上缴承包费或工程管理费,逾期3个月以上。
    7.4 承包方向银行以外的机构或公民借款融资的;
第八条 不可抗力
第九条 争议解决
第十条 其它
发包方:_________(盖章)       承包方:_________(签章)
_________年____月____日        _________年____月____日

第一条 房地标示:本契约房屋坐落在_________市_________区_________地号土地内定名“_________名宫”,经暂编号区_________栋_________楼的房屋一户。
第二条 房屋面积:本契约房屋面积包括室内、阳台及走道、楼梯间、屋顶突物(仅限于水箱及楼梯间,其余部分不计入)地下室、电梯间等公共设施分摊面积在内计约_________平方米,(实际面积以当地政府机关复丈后,建筑改良物所有权状所记载的面积为准),但双方同意建筑改良物所有权状记载面积加上本条前列(阳台走道、楼梯间等)公共设施分摊面积等,即相当于本契约所记载面积,若有增减,而其面积差额未逾百分之二时,双方均不得异议,若增减面积误差超过百分之二时,其误差超过百分二部分,即以该户出售时的平均单价为计算基准,由双方互为补偿。#p#分页标题#e#
第三条 本大楼的屋顶除水箱、楼梯间外,乙方的投资、规划,其使用权归乙方,但乙方应对甲方提供较一般人优惠的服务。
第四条 本大楼地下室产权登记为本大楼全体所有人共有,地下室除机电设备外,其余场地如遇空袭时,应开放为公共避难场所,地下室平时作为停车场,由本大楼管理委员会统筹管理,其办法另详载于本大楼管理委员会管理章程。
第五条 甲方所订购房屋的室内隔间装饰及设备工程,其施工标准悉依_________市政府_________局核准的建造执照图说按图施工,如甲方要求变更或增减等,须征求乙方同意,惟属大楼整体装置者不得删减,变更后的工程款由双方协议定之,但以不少于本契约所定的工程款一次付清与乙方,甲方未缴清增加的工程款前,乙方不得施工,如双方对变更后工程款未能达成协议或甲方拒绝或延迟交付所增加变更的工程款时,视为甲方取消变更或增减,乙方仍按本契约原定项目施工。
第六条 工程期限:本契约房屋建筑工程,乙方应于本契约签订后三个月内开工,自开工之日起七百个工作天完工,并以开始申请使用执照为完工日期。但如有下列情形之一时不在此限,乙方不负迟延完工之责。
第七条 保固期限:本契约房屋自领到使用执照之日起,对本契约房屋建筑结构,乙方应负责保固一年,但天灾或不可归责于乙方的原因而发生损毁者不在此限(门、窗、玻璃及水电配件、油漆、瓷砖等乙方不负责保固)。
第八条 甲方订购本房地总价款为人民币_________整,包括下列房屋及装修土地价款。
第九条 付款办法:本契约房地总价为人民币_________元整,分为自备款人民币_________元整,优惠贷款人民币_________元整,银行贷款人民币_________元整,甲方应按下列进度,将分期付款表上的金额,经乙方通知于缴款期限内缴付乙方,绝不拖延短欠。
第十条 贷款办法:本契约房屋甲方如须办理银行贷款时,应另行与乙方签订委托代办贷款契约书及委任书以凭办理贷款事宜。#p#分页标题#e#
第十一条 甲方如全部或一部分不履行本契约(第九条)所规定工程进度的约定付款时,其逾期部分甲方愿自通知交款日后第五天起,按日加付千分之一计算滞纳金,上项滞纳金于补交其应付款时一并付与乙方,如逾期滞纳达十五天,经乙方催告仍延不交付时,即视为甲方违约,乙方不得解除本契约及代办贷款委托书,代管印章委托书等与本契约有连带关系的约定,甲方同意将已缴的款项现金部分由乙方没收,以为抵偿乙方所受的损失,乙方并得将甲方所订购的房地另行出售与第三者或为其他处分,甲方绝无异议,甲方若依前条约定的付款规定,以票据支付时,甲方保证兑现,如有遭退票情形等,视为甲方未缴款,依前述约定方式处理。
第十二条 本约房屋如乙方非因第五条的情形而逾期交屋时,其每逾一日按买卖总价千分之一计算违约金与甲方,如乙方因本身因素不履行交屋,及半途发生纠葛不能出卖等情况时,除应将既收价款全数退还甲方外,并应赔偿所付价款同额的损害金予甲方作为乙方不履行本契约的损害赔偿总额。倘因政府颁布禁建等不可归责于乙方的事由,致使乙方不能交付本契约房屋时,双方同意解除本契约,乙方应将甲方所缴付价款加计利息(按照银行一年期定期存款利息计算)退还甲方。
第十三条 本契约房屋已登记于甲方名义,如甲方违约拒付款项,经乙方催告仍不交付时,甲方同意名义变更为乙方或乙方所指定之人,甲方不得另有其他的要求。
第十四条 甲方负责订购本房屋土地,其房屋产权及基地产权的移转登记事项,乙方负责于本房屋建造完成,经政府主管单位发给使用执照,及甲方依约履行其义务后,乙方负责聘请代书与甲方共同委托统筹办理,甲方应按照乙方通知的时间内,将应提出的证件及在有关文件上盖章,连同各项税捐交与乙方或委托的代书以资办理。甲、乙双方应负担的费用如下:
第十五条 产权登记:本契约房地产权登记由乙方指定代理人,统一办理土地移转登记,建物所有权登记及贷款抵押权设定登记等手续。#p#分页标题#e#
第十六条 本契约房地,乙方保证产权清楚,绝无任何纠纷或设定他项权利现象,如有任何纠葛,乙方应负责清理,不得损害甲方的利益。
第十七条 甲方同意于本房屋完工并接通水电之日起,无论所开列单据的抬头为任何一方,均就负担下列费用:
第十八条 本契约房屋于建筑完成经主管机关发给使用执照后,甲方应付清下列款项税费等,乙方始行交屋,甲方如不协办或迟延逾期的,致影响本契约各项产权登记或施工进度时视同违约,并应负赔偿乙方一切损失之责。
第十九条 通知送达:甲乙双方所为的征询、洽商或通知办理事项均以书面按本约所载住址挂号邮寄为之,有拒收或无法投递致退回的,均以邮局第一次投递之日期为送达之日。
第二十条 其他事项:
第二十一条 本契约的约束与效力:
第二十二条 未尽事宜:本契约如有未尽事宜,必要时由甲乙双方洽定。
第二十三条 契约分存:上述契约事项经双方同意,恐口头无凭。特立本契约书一式二份,甲乙双方各执一份为凭,并自签订日起升效,印花税由甲乙双方自贴销。
第二十四条 有关本契约的权义,双方同意以_________法院为管辖法院。
甲方(盖章):_________        乙方(盖章):_________        
法定代理人(签字):_________     法定代理人(签字):_________     
住址:_________            住址 :_________           
身份证号码:_________         身份证号码:_________         
电话:_________            电话:_________            
_________年____月____日        _________年____月____日        
签订地点:_________          签订地点:_________ 
发包人(盖章):_________       承包人(盖章):_________       
法定代表人(签字):_________     法定代表人(签字):_________     
_________年____月____日        _________年____月____日        

第一条 工程范围
第二条 合同文件
    1. 投标须知;
    2. 特别条件(如果有);
    3. 详细说明;
    4. 图纸等。
第三条 履约的保证
第四条 工程总价和完成时间
第五条 转包和分包
第六条 图纸
第七条 一般责任
第八条 工程完工
第九条 工程保险
第十条 人身和财产损失
第十一条 第三方责任险
第十二条 工人的意外伤害事故#p#分页标题#e#
第十三条 对于承包方未履行保险义务的法律救济
第十四条 应当遵守的法规、规章等
第十五条 其他承包方的加入
第十六条 承包方保持施工现场的清洁
第十七条 劳工
第十八条 材料和工艺
第十九条 施工中的检验
第二十条 不合适的工程和材料的返工和更换
第二十一条 工程的中断执行
第二十二条 开始和终止的时间
第二十三条 工期的延展
第二十四条 工程的进度
第二十五条 工程延期损失的计算
第二十六条 工程完工的证明
第二十七条 工程缺陷的保证和不履行义务的责任
第二十八条 合同条款的变更、增加和删减
第二十九条 由于工程数量变更所作的合同价格的调整
第三十条 设备、临时工程和材料
第三十一条 工程量的计算
第三十二条 临时款项
第三十三条 付款和保留的条款
第三十四条 对承包方违约的法律救济和处理
第三十五条 特殊风险
第三十六条 合同的落空及其补偿
第三十七条 争议的解决——仲裁
第三十八条 通知
第三十九条 发包方的违约
第四十条 文字
第四十一条 应遵守的法律
发包方(盖章):_________       承包方(盖章):_________       
代表人(签字):_________       代表人(签字):_________       
_________年____月____日        _________年____月____日        
签订地点:_________          签订地点:_________


table of contents
  1. scope of work
  2. contract documents
  3. performance security
  4. value of work and completion time
  5. assignment and sub- letting#p#分页标题#e#
  6. drawings
  7. general obligations
  8. completion of works
  9. insurance of works
  10. damage to persons and property
  11. third party insurance
  12. accident or injury to persons
  13. remedy on contractor's failure to insure
  14. compliance with status and regulations ,etc.
  15. access to other contractors
  16. contractor to keep site clean
  17. labor
  18. materials and workmanship
  19. inspection of operations
  20. removal of improper work and materials
  21. suspension of work
  22. commencement time and time for completion
  23. extension of time for completion
  24. rate of progress
  25. liquidated damages for delay
  26. certification of completion of work
  27. guarantee against defects and liability for defective work
  28. alterations, additions and omissions
  29. adjustment of contract price due to variations in quantities
  30. plant, temporary works and materials
  31. measurement of quantities
  32. provisional sums
  33. payment and retention
  34. remedies and power on default by contractor
  35. special risks
  36. frustration and payments thereof
  37. settlement of disputes - arbitration
  38. notice
  39. default of employer
  40. language
  41. laws to be observed
  this contract is made at_________, chesiville,parcheesi on_________month_________a.d._________between_________represented by_________, hereinafter called the"employer"and_________ registeredas a juristic person in_________(country.) with head office located at_________represented by_________who has been authorized to sign commitment binding on the saidjuristic person, hereinafter called the "contractor".
  both parties agree as follows:
1 scope of work
  in consideration of the payments to be made by the employer to the contractor as hereinafter mentioned, the contractorhereby convenes with the employer to execute, complete andmaintain the works in conformity with the provision of the contract.#p#分页标题#e#
  the contractor undertakes to provide all labor, including supervision thereof, materials, tools, construction, plant and equipment necessary for the performance and completion of the work in accordance with the terms, conditions and requirements of the documents set forth in 2.
2 contract documents
  the following documents shall be deemed to form and beread and construed as part of this contract, viz:
  1. instruction to tenderers;
  2. special conditions (if any);
  3. specifications;
  4. drawings, etc.
3 performance security
  on the date of signing the contract the contractor has furnished_________in the amount of _________on deposit with the employer as the performance security.the said security shall be released after the expiry of the specified warranty and/or maintenance period and the contractor shall maintain the validity of the security accordingly. in case duties and responsibilities of the contractor are extended beyond the specified completion period for any reason whatsoever, the contractor shall likewise extend the security to cover such extended period.
4 value of work and completion time + the employer agrees to pay for the cost of work and the contractor agrees to accept the cost of work done for a total cost of______________on the basis of unit cost of the work specified in the bill of quantities or such other sums as may be ascertained under the conditions of the contract.
  the contract shall be completed by
5 assignment and sub - letting
  the contractor shall not assign the contract or any partthereof, or any benefit or interest therein or thereunder without the prior written consent of the employer.
  the contractor shall not sublet the whole of works. except where otherwise provided by the contract, the contractor shall not sublet any part of the works without the prior written consent of the employer. such consent, if given, shall not relieve the contractor from any liability or obligation under the contractand he shall be responsible for the defaults and neglects of any subcontractor, his agents or workmen.#p#分页标题#e#
6 drawings
  the drawings shall remain in the sole custody of the employer, but two copies thereof shall be furnished to the contractor free of charge.the contractor shall provide and make at hisown expense any further copies required by him. at the completion of the contract, the contractor shall return to the employer all drawings provided under the contract.
  one copy of the drawings, furnished to the contractor as aforesaid, shall be kept by the contractor on the site and the same shall at any reasonable time be available for inspection and used by the employer and by any other person authorized by the employer in writing.
  the contractor shall give written notice to the employer whenever planning or progress of the works is likely to be delayed or disrupted unless any further drawing or order, including a direction, instruction or approval, is issued by the employerwithin a reasonable time.the notice shall include details of thedrawing or order required and of why and by when it is required and of any delay or disruption likely to be suffered if it is late.
  if, by reason of any failure or inability of the employer to is - sue within a time reasonable in all the circumstances any drawing or order requested by the contractor in accordance with sub(3) of this clause, the contractor suffers delay, then theemployer shall take such delay into account in determining anyextension of time to which the contractor is entitled.
7 general obligations
  the contractor shall take full responsibility for the adequacy, stability and safety of all site operations and methods of construction, provided that the contractor shall not be responsible, except as may be expressly provided in the contract, for the design or specification of the permanent works , or for the design orspecification of any temporary works.
  the employer shall have made available to the contractor with the tender documents such data on hydrological and subsurface conditions as shall have been obtained by or on behalf of the employer from investigations undertaken relevant to theworks and the tender shall be deemed to have been based on such data, but the contractor shall be responsible for his own interpretation thereof.#p#分页标题#e#
  the contractor shall also be deemed to have inspected and examined the site and its surroundings and information availablein connection therewith and to have satisfied himself, so far as ispracticable, before submitting his tender as to the form and nature thereof, including the subsurface conditions, the hydrological and climatic conditions, the extent and nature of work and materials necessary for the completion of the works, the means of ac - cess to the site and'the accommodation he may require, in general, shall be deemed to have obtained all necessary information, subject as above mentioned, as to risks, contingencies and all other circumstances which may influence or affect his tender.
  the contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself be - fore tendering as to the correctness and sufficiency of this tenderfor the works and of the rates and prices stated in the priced bill of quantities and the schedule of rates and prices, if any, whichtender rates and prices shall, except insofar as it is otherwiseprovided in the contract, cover all his obligations under the contract and all matters and things necessary for the proper execution and maintenance of the works.
  save insofar as it is legally or physically impossible ,the contractor shall execute and maintain the works in strict accordancewith the contract to the satisfaction of the employer and shall comply with and adhere strictly to the employer's instructions and directions on any matter whether mentioned in the contract or not, or concerning the works.
  the contractor shall give or provide all necessary superintendence during the execution of the works and as long thereafter as the employer may consider necessary for the proper ful - filling of the contractor's obligations under the contract, the contractor,or a competent and authorized agent or representative approved of in writing by the employer, which approval may at any time be withdrawn, is to be constantly on the works and shall give his whole time to the superintendence of the same. if such approval shall be withdrawn by the employer, the contractor shall, as soon as is practicable, having regard to the requirement of replacing him as hereinafter mentioned, after receiving notice of such withdrawal, remove the agent from the works and shall not thereafter employ him again on the works in any capacity and shall replace him by another agent approved by the employer. such authorized agent or representative shall receive, on behalf of the contractor, directions and instructions from theemployer.#p#分页标题#e#
  (1) the contractor shall provide and employ on the site inconnection with the execution and maintenance of the works:
    (a)only such technical assistance as are skilled and experienced in their respective callings and such subagents, foremen and leading hands as are competent to give proper supervision tothe work they are required to supervise and
    (b)such skilled, semi -skilled and unskilled labour as is necessary for the proper and timely execution and maintenance of the works.
  (2) the employer shall be at liberty to object to and require the contractor to remove forthwith from the works any person employed by the contractor in or about the execution or maintenance of the works who, in the opinion of the employer, misconducts himself, or is incompetent or negligent in the proper performance of his duties, or whose employment is otherwise considered by the emplyer to be undesirable and such person shall not be again employed upon the works without the written permission of the employer. any person so removed from the works shall be replaced as soon as possible by a competent substitute approved by the employer.
  the contractor shall in connection with the works provide and maintain at his own cost all lights, guards, fencing and watching when and where necessary or required by the employer for the protection of the works, or for the safety and convenience of the public or others.
8 completion of works
  from the commencement of the works until the date stated in the certificate of completion for the whole of the works putsuant to 26 here of the contractor shall take full responsibility for the care thereof. provided that if the employer shall issue a certificate of completion in respect of any part on the permanent works the contractor shall cease to be liable for the care of that part and the responsibility for the care of that part of the permanent works from the date stated in the certificate of completion in respect of that part and the responsibitity for the care of that part shall pass to the employer. provided further that the contractor shall take full responsibility for the care of any outstanding work which he shall have undertaken to finish during the period of maintenance until such outstanding work is completed. in case any damage, loss or injury shall happen to theworks, or to any part thereof, from any cause whatsoever, save and except the expected risks as defined in sub(2) of this clause, while the contractor shall be responsible for the care thereof the contractor shall, at his own cost, repair and make good the same, so that at completion the permanent works shall be in good order and condition and in conformity in every respect with the requirement of the contract in the event of any such damage, loss or injury happening from any of the expected risks,the contractor shall; if and to the extent required ty the employ - er and subject always to the provision of 34 hereof, repair and make good the same as aforesaid at the cost of the employer. the contractor shall also be liable for any damage to the works occassioned by him in the course of any operations carried out by him for the purpose of completing any outstanding work or complying with his obligations under 27 hereof.#p#分页标题#e#
  the "expected risks" are war (whether war be declared or not), hostilities, invasion, act of foreign enemies, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military or usurped power, civil war, or unless solely restricted to employees of the contractor or of his subcontractors and arising from the conduct of the works, riot, commotion or disorder, or use of occupation by the employer of any part of the permanent works, or any such operation of the forces of nature as an experienced contractor could not foresee, or reasonably make provision for or insure against all of which are herein collectively referred to as "the expected risks".
9 insurance works
  without limiting his obligations and responsibilities under 8 hereof, the contractor shall insure in the joint names of the employer and the contractor against all loss or damage from whatever cause arising, other than expected risks, for which he is responsible under the terms of the contract and in such manner that the employer and contractor are covered for the period stipulated in 8 (1) hereof and are also covered during the period of maintenance for loss or damage arising from a cause,occurring prior to the commencement of the period of mainte - nance , and for any loss or damage occasioned by the contractor in the course of any operation carried out by him for the purpose of complying with his obligations under 27 hereof:
    (a)the works for the time being executed to the estimated current contract value thereof or such additional sum as may be specified together with the materials for incorporation in the works at their replacement value;
    (b)the constructional plant and other things brought on to the site by the contractor to the replacement value of such constructional plant and other things.
  such insurance shall be effected with an insurer and in terms approved by the employer ,which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, and the contractor shall, whenever required, pro - duce to the employer the policy or policies of insurance and the receipts for payment of the current premiums.#p#分页标题#e#
10 damage to persons and property
  the contractor shall, except if and so far as the contract provides otherwise , indemnify the employer against all losses and claims in respect of injuries or damage to any person or material or physical damage to any property whatsoever which may arise out of or in consequence of the execution and maintenace of the works and against all claims, proceedings, damages, costs,charges and expenses, whatsoever in respect of or in relation thereto except any compensation or damages for or with respect to:
    (a)the permanent use or occupation of land by the works or any part thereof;
    (b)the right of the employer to execute the works or any part thereof on, over, under, in or through any land;
    (c)injuries or damage to persons or property which are the unavoidable result of the execution or maintenance of the works in accordance with the contract.
11 third party insurance
  before commencing the execution of the works the contractor, but without limiting his obligations and responsibilities under 10 thereof, shall insure against his liability for any material or physical damage, loss or injury which may occur to any property, including that of the employer, or to any person, including any employee of the employer, by or arising out of the execution of the works or in the carrying out of the contract, otherwise than due to the matters referred to in the provision to 10 hereof.
  such insurance shall be effected with an insurer and in terms approved by the employer ,which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, and for at least the amount of i.
  the contractor shall, whenever required, produce the policy or policies of insurance and the receipts for payment of the current premiums.
  the terms shall include a provision whereby, in the event of any claim in respect of which the contractor would be entitled to receive indemnity under the policy being brought or made against the employer, the insurer will indemnify the employer against such claims and any costs, charge, and expenses in respect thereof.#p#分页标题#e#
12 accident of injury to workmen
  the employer shall not be liable for or in respect of any damages or compensation payable at law in respect or in consequence of any accident or injury to any workman or other person in the employment of the contractor or any subcontractor, save and except an accident or injury resulting from any act or default of the employer, his agents, pr servants. the contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the employer against all suchdamages and compensation, save and except as aforesaid, and a-gainst all claims, proceedings, costs, charges and expenses what - soever in respect thereof or in relation thereto.
  the contractor shall insure against such liability with an in- surer approved by the employer, which approval shall not be un - reasonably withheld,and shall continue such insurance during thewhole of the time that any persons are employed by him on theworks and shall, when required, produce such policy of insurance and the receipt for payment of the current premiums.provided always that, in respect of any persons employed by any subcontrac - tor, the contractor' s obligation to insure as aforesaid under this subshall be satisfied if the subcontractor shall have in - sured against the liability in respect of such persons in such manner that the employer is indemnified under the policy, but the contractor shall require, such sub - contractor to produce, when required, such policy of insurance and the receipt for the payment of the current premium.
13 remedy on contractor's failure to insure
  if the contractor shall fail to effect and keep in force the in - surances referred to in clauses 9, 11 and 12 hereof, or any other insurance which he may be required to effect under the terms of the contract, then and in any such case the employer may effect and keep in force any such insurance and pay such premium or premiums as may be necessary for that purpose and from time to time deduct the amount so paid by the employer as aforesaid from any monies due or which may become due to the contrac - tor, or recover the same as a debt due from the contractor.#p#分页标题#e#
14 compliance with statutes and regulations, etc.
  the contractor shall give all notices and pay all fees re - quired to be given or paid by any national or state statute, ordi - nance, or other law, or any regulation, or bylaw of any local or other duly constituted authority in relation to the execution of the works and by the rules and regulations or all public bodies and companies whose property or rights are affected or may be affected in any way by the works.
  the contractor shall conform in all respects with the provi - sions of any such statute, ordinance of law as aforesaid and the regulations or bylaws of any local or other duly constituted authority which may be applicable to the works and with suchrules and regulations of public bodies and companies as aforesaid and shall keep the employer indemnified against all penalties and liability of every kind for breach of any such statute, ordinance or law, regulation or bylaw.
  the employer will repay or allow to the contractor all such sums as have been properly payable and paid by the contractor in respect of such fees.
15 access to other contractors
  the contractor shall afford all reasonable opportunities for carrying out their work to any other contractors employed by the employer and their workmen and to the workmen of the employ - er and of any other duly constituted authorities who may be employed in the execution on or near the site of an work not includ - ed in the contract or of any contract which the employer may en - ter into in connection with or ancillary to the works.
16 contractor to keep site clean
  during the progress of the works the contractor shall keep the site reasonably free from all unneccessary obstruction and shall store for dispose of any constructional plant and surplus materials and clear away and remove from the site any wreck - age, rubbish or temporary works no longer required.
  on the completion of the works the contractor shall clear away and remove from the site all constructional plant, surplus materials, rubbish and temporary works of every kind, and leave the whole of the site and works clean in a workmanlike condition to the satisfaction of the employer.#p#分页标题#e#
17 labor
  the contractor shall make his own arrangements for the engagement of all labor, local or otherwise, and, save insofar as thecontract otherwise provides, for the transport, housing, feedingand payment thereof.
  the contractor shall, so far as is reasonably practicable, having regard to local conditions ,provide on the site , to the satis - faction of the employer , an adequate supply of drinking and other water for the use of contractor's staff and work people.
  the contractor shall not, otherwise than in accordance with the statutes, ordinances and government regulations or orders for the time being in force, import, sell, give, barter or otherwise dispose of any alcoholic liquor, or drugs, or permit or suffer anysuch importation, sale, gift, barter or disposal by his sub - contrac - tors, agents or employer.
  the contractor shall not give, barter or otherwise dispose of to any person or persons, any arms or ammunition of any kind or permit or suffer the same as aforesaid.
  the contractor shall in all dealings with labor in his em - ployment have due regard to all recognized festivals, days of rest and religious or other customs.
  in the event of any outbreak of illness of an epidemic nature, the contractor shall comply with and carry out such regulations, orders and requirements as may be made by the government, or the local medical or sanitary authorities for the purpose of dealing with and overcoming the same.
  the contractor shall at all times take all reasonable precautions to prevent any unlawful, malicious or disorderly conduct by or amongst his employees and for the preservation of peace and protection of persons and property in the neighborhood of theworks against the same.
18 materials and workmanship
  all materials and workmanship shall be of the respective kinds described in the contract and in accordance with the employer's instructions and shall be subjected from time to time to such tests as the employer may direct at the place of manufac - ture or fabrication, or on the site or at such other place or places as may be specified in the contract, or at all or any of such places  the contractor shall provide such assistance, instruments, machines, labor and materials as are normally required for examining, measuring and testing any work and the quality, weight or quantity of any material used and shall supply samples of materials before incorporation in the works for testing as may be selected and required by the employer.#p#分页标题#e#
  all samples shall be supplied by the contractor at his own cost if the supply thereof is clearly intended by of provided for in the contract, but if not, then at the cost of the employer.
  the cost of making any test shall be borne by the contractor if such test is clearly intended by of provided for in the contract and, in the cases only of a test under load or of a test to ascertain whether the design of any finished or partially finished work is appropriate for the purposes which it was intended to fulfil, is particularized in the contract in sufficient detail to enable the contractor to price of allow for the same in his tender:
  if any test is ordered by the employer which is either:
    (a)not so intended by or provided for; or
    (b)(in the cases above mentioned) is not so particularized;or
    (c)though so intended or provided for is ordered by the employer to be carried out by an independent person at any place other than the site or the place of manufacture or fabrication of the materials tested ;then the cost of such test shall be borne by the contractor, if the test shows the workmanship or materials not to be in accordance with the provisions of the contract.
19 inspection of operations
  the employer and any person authorized by him shall at all times have access to the works and to all workshops and places where work is being prepared or from where materials, manufactured articles or machinery are being obtained for the works and the contractor shall afford every facility for and every assistance on or in obtaining the right to such access.
  no work shall be covered up or put out of view without the approval of the employer and the contractor shall afford full opportunity for the employer to examine and measure any work which is about to be covered up or put out of view and to examine foundations before permanent work is placed there on. the contractor shall give due notice to the employer whenever any such work or foundations is or are ready or about to be ready for examination and the employer shall, without unreasonable delay, unless he considers it unnecessary and advises the contractor accordingly, attend for the purpose of examining and measuring such work or of examining such foundations.#p#分页标题#e#
20 removal of improper work and materials
  the employer shall during the progress of the works have power to order in writing from time to time,
    (a)the removal from the site, within such time or times as may be specified in the order, of any material which, in the opinion of the employer, are not in accordance with the contract;
    (b)the substitution of proper and suitable materials; and
    (c)the removal and proper reexecution, notwithstanding any previous test thereof or interim payment therefor, of any work which in respect of materials or workmanship is not, in the opinion of the employer, in accordance, with the contract.
  in case of default on the part of the contractor in carrying out such order, the employer shall be entitled to employ and pay other persons to carry out the same and all expenses consequent thereon or incidental thereto shall be recoverable from the contractor by the employer, or may be deducted by the employer from any monies due or which may become due to the contractor.
21 suspension of work
  the contractor shall, on the written order of the employer, suspend the progress of the work or any part thereof for such time of times and in such manner as the employer may consider necessary and shall during such suspension properly protect and secure the work, so far as is necessary in the opinion of the employer. the extra cost incurred by the contractor in giving effect to the employer's instructions under this shall be borne and paid by the employer unless such suspension is;
    (a)otherwise provided for in the contract; or
    (b)necessary by reason of some default on the part of the contractor; or
    (c)necessary by reason of some default on the part of the contractor; or
    (d)necessary for the proper execution of the works or for the safety of the works or any part thereof insofar as such necessity does not arise from any act or default by the engineer or the employer or from any of the expected risks defined in 8(2) hereof.#p#分页标题#e#
  provided that the contractor shall not be entitled to recover any such extra cost unless he gives written notice of his intention to claim to the employer within twenty - eight days of the employer's order. the employer shall settle and determine such extra payment and/or extension of time under 23 hereof to be made to the contractor in respect of such claim as shall, in the opinion of the employer, be fair and reasonable.
  if the progress of the works or any part thereof is suspended on the written order of the emloyer and if permission to resume work is not given by the employer within a period of ninety days from the date of suspensing them, unless such suspension is within paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d) of sub(1) of this clause, the contractor may serve a written notice on the employer requiring permission within twenty eight days from the receipt thereof to proceed with the works, or that part thereof in regard to which progress is suspended and, if such permission is not granted within that time ,the contractor by further written notice so served may, but is not bound to, elect or treat the suspension where it affects only part of the works as an omission of such part under 28 hereof, or, where it affects the whole works, as an abandonment of the contract by the employer.
22 commencement time and time for completion
  the contractor shall commence the works on site within fifteen days of signing the contract, but in any event, not later than two months. the contractor shall commence the work with due expedition and without delay, except as may be expressly sanctioned or ordered by the employer, or be wholly beyond the contractor's control.
  save insofar as the contract may be prescribed, the extent of portions of the site of which the contractor is to be given possession from time to time and the order in which such portions shall be made available to him and, subject to any requirement in the contract as to the order in which the works shall be executed, the employer will give to the contractor possession of so much of the site as may be required to enable the contractor to commence and proceed with the execution of the works in accordance with the agreed program. if the contractor suffers delay or incurs cost from failure on the part of the employer to give possession, the employer shall grant an extension of time for the completion of the works and certify such sum as, in his opinion, shall be fair to cover the cost incurred.#p#分页标题#e#
  the contractor shall bear all costs and charges for special or temporary wayleaves required by him in connection with access to the site.the contractor shall also provide at his own cost any additi ional accommodation outside the site required by him for the purposes of the works.
  to any requirement in the contract as to completion of any section of the works before completion of the whole, the whole of the works shall be completed', in accordance with the proccesions of 4 (2) hereof.
23 extension of time for completion
  should the amount of extra or additional work of any kind or any cause of delay referred to in these conditions, or exceptional adverse climatic conditions, or their special circumstances of any kind whatsoever which may occur, other than through a default of the contractor, be such as fairly to entitle the contrac - tor to an extension of time for the completion of the works the employer shall determine the amount of such extension and shall notify the contractor accordingly.
24 rate of progress
  if for any reason, which does not entitle the contractor to an extension of time, the rate of progress of the works or any section is at any time, in the opinion of the employer, too slow to ensure completion by the prescribed time or extended time for completion, the employer shall so notify the contractor in writing and the contractor shall thereupon take such steps as are necessary and the employer may approve to expedite progress so as to complete the works or such section by the prescribed time or extended time.the contractor shall not be entitled to any ad - ditional payment for taking such steps.
25 liquidated damages for delay
  if the contractor shall fail to achieve completion of the works within the time prescribed in 4 (2) hereof, then the contractor shall pay to the employer at the rate of perday liquidated damages for such default and not as a penalty which shall elapse between the time prescribed by 4 (2)hereof and the date of certified completion of the works.the employer may, without prejudice to any other method of recov -ery, deduct the amount of such damages from any monies in his hands, due or which may become due to the contractor.the pay - merit or deuction of such damages shall not relieve contractor from his obligation to complete the works, or from any other of his obligations and liabilities under the contract.#p#分页标题#e#
26 certification of completion of works
  when the whole of the works have been substantially com - pleted and have satisfactorily passed any final test that may be prescribed by the contract, the contractor may give a notice to that effect to the employer accompanied by an undertaking to finish any outstanding work during the period of maintenance. such notice and undertaking shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be a request by the contract for issue of a certificate of completion in respect of the works.the employer shall , with - in twenty - one days of the date of delivery of such notice either is - sue to the contractor a certificate of completion stating date on which, in his opinion, the works were substantially completed in accordance with the contract or give instructions in writing to the contractor specifying all the work which, in his opinion, re - quires to be done by the contractor before the issue of such cer - tificate.the employer shall also notify the contractor of any de -fects in the works affecting substantial . completion that may ap - pear after such instructions and before completion of the works specified therein .the contractor shall be entitled to receive such certificate of completion within twenty - one days of completion of the works specified and making good any defects so notified.
  similarly, in accordance with the procedure set out in sub - (1)'of this clause, the contractor may request and the em - ployer shall issue a certificate of completion in respect of;
    (a)any section of the permanent works in respect of which a separate time for completion is provided in the contract;and
    (b)any substantial part of the permanent works which has been completed to the satisfaction of the employer.
  in any part of the permanent work shall have been substan - tially completed and shall have satisfactorily passed any final test that may be prescribed by the contract, the employer may issue a certificate of completion in respect of that part of the perma - nent works before completion of the whole of the works and, upon the issue of such certificate, the contractor shall be deemed to have undertaken to complete any outstanding work in that part of the works during the period of maintenance.#p#分页标题#e#
  provided always that a certificate of completion given in respect of any section or part of the permanent works before com - pletion of the whole shall not be deemed to certify completion of any ground or surfaces requiring reinstatement, unless such cer - tificate shall expressly so state.
27 guarantee against defects and liability for de- feetive work
  in these conditions the expression "period of maintenance'shall mean a period of guarantee for one year from the date of completion of the works certifiecd by the employer in accordance with 26 hereof.
  upon notification from the employer, the contractor shall rectify or reconstruct without delay, free of cost to the employ - er, any defects of damages arising out of faulty materials or workmanship.
  if the contractor shall fail to do any such work as aforesaid required by the employer, the employer shall be entitled to em - ploy and pay other persons to carry out the same and if such work is work which, in his opinion, the contractor was liable to do at his own expense under the contract, then all expenses con- sequent thereon or incidental thereto shall be recoverable or which may become due to the contractor.
  in the event the contract is terminated prior to completion of the work, the liability of the contractor for faulty material or defective workmanship shall apply to the partially completed work for a period of one year after the work has been fully com - pleted and taken over by the employer.
28 alterations, additions and ommissions
  the employer shall make any variation of the form, quality or quantity of the works or any part thereof that may, in his opinion, be necessary and for that purpose, or if for any other reason it shall, in his opinion be desirable, he shall have power to order the contractor to do and the contractor shall do any of the following:
    (a)increase or decrease the quantity of any work included in the contract
    (b)omit any such work;#p#分页标题#e#
    (c)change the character or quality or kind of any such work;
    (d)change the levels, lines, position and dimensiona of any part of the works;and
    (e)execute additional work of any kind necessary for the completion of the works;
  and no such variation shall in any way vitiate or invalidate the contract, but the value, if any, of all such variations shall be taken into account in ascertaining the amount of the contract price.
  no such variations shall be made by the contractor without an order in writing of the employer. provided that no order in writing shall be required for increase or decrease in the quantity of any work where such increase or decrease is not the result of an order given under this clause, but is the result of the quanti - ties exceeding or being less than those stated in the bill of quan - tities.
  all extra or additional work done or work omitted by order of the employer shall be valued at the rates and prices set out in the contract if, in the opinion of the employer, the same shall be applicable. if the contract does not contain any rates or prices applicable to the extra or additional work, then suitable rates or prices shall be agreed upon between the employer and the con- tractor. in the event of disagreement the employer shall fix such rates or prices as shall, in his opinion, be reasonable and proper.
29 adjustment of contract price due to variations in quantities.
  should the total aggregate sum of all monthly progress payments excepting payment for additional work, provisional sumitems exceed or fall short of the original total contract price,then adjustment shall be made to the original total contract price upon completion of the work as follows;
    (a)in case the total aggregate sum of all monthly payments is more than one hundred and twenty (120)percent of the original total contract price, then the amount exceeding one hundred and twenty (120) percent of the original total contract price shall be calculated and paid at eighty (80) percent of the amount#p#分页标题#e#
    (b)in case the total aggregate sum of all monthly progress payments is less than eighty (80) percent of the original total contract price, then the difference between eighty (80) percent of the original total contract price and the total aggregate sum of all monthly progress payments will be paid at twenty (20)percent to compensate the contractor for overhead and loss of profit
    (c)provided that adjustment of contract price under this shall not apply in the event of termination of this contract as provided for in 35. settlement of payment for the adjusted amount shall be made in the final payment. no adjustment of contract price shall be made for an increase or decrease in the quantity of individual items of work in the schedule.
  the contractor shall send to the employer once in every month an account giving particulars, as full and detailed as possible, of all claims for any additional payment to which the con - tractor may consider himself entitled and of all extra or addition - al work ordered by the employer which he has executed during the preceding month.
  no final or interim claim for payment for any such work or expense will be considered which has not been included in such particulars. provided always that the employer shall be entitled to authorize payment to be made for any such work or expense, notwithstanding the contractor's failure to comply with this con - dition, if the contractor has, at the earliest practicable opportuni - ty, notified the employer in writing that he intends to make a claim for such work.
30 plant, temporary work and materials
  all constructional plant, temporary works and materials provided by the contractor shall, when brought on to the site, be deemed to be exclusively intended for the execution of the works and the contractor shall not remove the same or any part there - of, except for the purpose of moving it from one part of the site to another, without the consent, in writing, of. the employer.#p#分页标题#e#
  upon completion of the works the contractor shall remove from the site all the said constructional plant and temporary works remaining thereon and any unused materials provided by the contractor.
  the employer shall not at any time be liable for the loss of or damage to any of the said constructional plant.temporary works or materials save as mentioned in clauses 8 and 35 here- of.
  in respect of any constructional plant which the contractor shall have imported for the purpose of the works, the employer will assist the contractor, where required, in procuring any.nec - essary government consent to the re - export of such construc- tional plant by the contractor upon the removal thereof as afore - said.
  the employer will assist the contractor, where required, in obtaining clearance through the customs of constructional plant, materials and other things required for the work.
31 measurement of quantities
  the quantities set out in the bill of quantities are the estimated quantities of the work, but they are not to be taken as the actual and correct quantities of the works to be executed by the contractor in fulfillment of his obligations under the contract.
  the employer shall, except as otherwise stated, ascertain and determine by measurement the value in terms of the contract of work done in accordance with the contract. he shall, when he requires any part or parts of the works to be measured, give no - tice to the contractor's authorized agent or representative, who shall forthwith attend or send a qualified agent to assist the em - ployer in making such measurement, and shall furnish all particu - lars required by either of them. should the contractor not at - tend, or neglect or omit to send such agent, then the measure - ment made by the employer shall be taken to be the correct mea- surement of the work.
  the works shall be measured, notwithstanding any general or local custom, except where otherwise specifically described or prescribed in the contract.#p#分页标题#e#
32 provisional sums
  "provisional sum'means a sum included in the contract and so designated in the bill of quantities for the execution of work or the supply of goods, materials, or services, or for contingen - cies, which sum may be used, in whole or in part, or not at all at the direction and discretion of the employer.
33 payment and retention
  the contractor shall present his statement for monthly progress payment to the employer as early as possible after the end of each month.the statement 3hall be in the form approved by the employer and shall be accompanied by copies of records of measurement and calculations to support the amounts claimed. the employer after due verification of the statement of payment shall release for payment to the contractor the net amount after deduction of the retention amount specified. the final payment will be made on submission of the completion certificate.
  the employer shall retain 10% of each monthly progress payment as retention money. in case the retention money is de - ducted for a period altogether more than 6 months, the contractor has the option to furnish a bank guarantee issued by a focal bank acceptable to the employer and in the form required by the employer in exchange for retention money which has accumulated for aperiod of at least 6 months.
  the employer will release the retention money and/or bank guarantee to the contractor upon completion of the work under this contract.
  the contractor shall pay to all workmen employed by him, wages at the rate and on the schedule agreed upon. in case of failure of payment of wages to the workmen, the employer shall make direct payments to the contractor's workmen and shall treat such payments as those by the contractor.
  34. remedies and powers on default by contractor
  if the contractor shall become bankrupt, or have a receiving order made against him, or shall present his petition in bankrupt - cy, or shall make an arrangement with or assignment in favor of his creditors, or shall agree to carry out the contract under a committee of inspection of his creditors or, being a corporation,shall go into liquidation (other than a voluntary liquidation for the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction), or if the con- tractor shall assign the contract, without the consent in writingof the employer first obtained, or shall have an execution leviedon his goods, or if in his opinion the contractor:#p#分页标题#e#
    (a)has abandoned the contract; or
    (b)without reasonable excuse has failed to commence theworks or has suspended the progress of the works for twenty - eight days after receiving from the employer written notice toproceed; or
    (c)has failed to remove materials from the site or.to pull down and replace work for twentyeight days after receiving from the employer written notice that the said materials or work had been condemned and rejected by the employer under these conditions; or
    (d)despite previous warnings by the employer, in writing,is not executing the works in accordance with the contract, or is persistently or fragrantly neglecting to carry out his obligations under the contract; or
    (e)has ,to the detriment of good workmanship,or in defianceof the employer's instructions to the contrary, sub- let any part of the contract;
  then the employer may, after giving fourteen day's notice in writing to the contractor, enter upon the site and the works and expel the contractor therefrom without thereby voiding the contract, or releasing the contractor from any of his obligations or liabilities under the contract, or affecting the rights and powers conferred on the employer by the contract, and may himself complete the works or may employ any other contractor to complete the works.the employer or such other contractor may use for such completion so much of the constructional plant, temporary works and materials, which have been deemed to be re - served exclusively for the execution of the works, under the pro - visions of the contract, as he or they may think proper, and the employer may, at any time, sell any of the said constructional plant temporary works and unused materials and the proceeds of sale in or towards the satisfaction of any sums due or which may become due to him from the contractor under the contract.
  the employer shall, as soon as may be practicable after any such entry and expulsion by the employer, fix and determine exparte, or by or after reference to the parties, or after such investigation or enquiries as he may think fit to make or institute, and shall certify what amount, if any, had at the time of such entry and expulsion been reasonably earned by or would reasonably accrue to the contractor in respect of work then actually done by him trader the contract and the value of any of the said unused or partially used materials, any constructional plant and any temporary works.#p#分页标题#e#
  if the employer shall enter and expel the contractor under this clause, he shall not be liable to pay to the contractor any money on account of the contract until the expiration of the period of maintenance and thereafter until the costs of execution and maintenance, damages for delay in completion, if any, and all other expenses incurred by the employer have been ascertained.the contractor shall then be entitled to receive only such sum or sums, if any, as would have been payable to him upon due.
35 special risks
  notwithstanding anything in the contract contained:
  (1) the contractor shall be under no liability whatsoever whether by way of indemnity or otherwise for or in respect of de - struction of or damage to the works, save to work condemned under the provisions of 20 hereof prior to the occurrence of any special risk hereinafter mentioned, or to property whether of the employer or third parties, or for or in respect of injury or loss of life which is the consequence of any special risk as here - inafter defined.the employer shall indemnify and save harmless the contractor against and from the same and against and from all claims, proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses what- soever arising there out or in connection therewith.
  (2) if the works or any materials on or near or in transit to the site ,or any other property of the contractor used or intended to be sued for the purposes of the works, shall sustain destruction or damage by reason of any of the said special risks the con - tractor shall be entitled to payment for.
    (a)any permanent work and for any materials so destroyed or damaged, and so far as may be necessary for the completion of the works, on the basis of cost plus such profit as the employer may certify to be reasonable;
    (b)replacing or making good any such destruction or dam- age to the works;
    (c)replacing or making good such materials or other proper - ty of the contractor used or intended to be used for the purposes of the works.#p#分页标题#e#
  (3) the employer shall repay to the contractor any increased cost of or incidental to the execution of the works, other than such as may be attributable to the cost of reconstructing work condemned under the provisions of 20 hereof, which is howsoever attributable to or consequent on or the result of or in any way whatsoever connected with the said special risks, subject however to the provisions in this hereinafter contained in regard to outbreak of war, but the contractor shall as soon as any such increase of cost shall come to his knowledge forthwith notify the employer thereof in writing.
  (4) the special risks are war (whether be declared or not),hostilities, invasion, act of foreign enemies, the nuclear and pres- surewave risk, or insofar as it relates to the country in which theworks are being or are to be executed or maintained, rebellion ,revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, civil war, or, unless solely restricted to the employees of the contractor or of his sub- contractors and arising from the conduct of the works, riot, commotion or disorder.
  (5) if, during the currency of the contract, there shall be an outbreak of war, whether war is declared or not, in any part of the world which, whether financially or otherwise, materially affects the execution of the works, the contractor shall, unless and until the contract is terminated under the provisions of this clause, continue to use his best endeavours to complete the execution of the works. provided always that the employer shall be entitled at any time after such outbreak of war to terminate the contract by giving written notice to the contractor and, upon such notice being given, this contract shall, except as to the rights of the parties under this and to the operation of 37 hereof, terminate, but without prejudice to the rights of either party in respect of any antecedent breach thereof.
  (6) if the contract shall be terminated under the provisions of the last preceding sub- clause, the contractor shall, with all reasonable despatch, remove from the site all constructional plant and shall give similar facilities to his sub - contractors to do so.#p#分页标题#e#
  (7) if the contract shall be terminated as aforesaid, the con -tractor shall be paid by the employer, insofar as such amounts or items shall not have already been covered by payments on account made to the contractor, for all work executed prior to the date of termination at the rate and prices provided in the contract and in addition:
    (a)the amounts payable in respect of any preliminary items, so far as the work or service comprised therein has been carried out or performed, and a proper proportion as certified by the employer of any such items, the work or service comprised in which has been partially carried out or performed.
    (b)the cost of materials or goods reasonably ordered for the works which shall have been delivered to the contractor or of which the contractor is legally liable to accept delivery, such materials or goods becoming the property of the employer upon such payments being made by him.
    (c)a sum being the amount of any expenditure reasonably incurred by the contractor in the expectation or completing the whole of the works insofar as such expenditure shall not have been covered by the payments in this sub - before men - tioned.
    (d)any additional sum payable under the provisions of sub- clauses (1), (2) and (4) of this clause.
  (3) the reasonable cost of removal of constructional plant under sub- (7) of this and, if required by the con - tractor, return thereof to the contractor' s main plant yard in his country of registration or to other destination, at no greater cost.
    (f)the reasonable cost of repatriation of all the contractor's staff and workmen employed on or in connection with the works at the time of such termination.
  provided always that against any payments due from the employer under this sub - clause,the employer shall be entitled to be credited with any outstanding balances due from the contractor for advances in respect of constructional plant and materials and any other sums which at the date of termination were recoverable by the employer from the contractor under the terms of the contract.#p#分页标题#e#
36 frustration and payments thereof
  if a war, or other circumstances outside the control of both parties, arises after the contract is made so that either party is prevented from fulfilling his contractual obligations, or under the law governing the contract, the parties are released from further performance, then the sum payable by the employer to the con tractor in respect of the work executed shall be the' same as that which would have been payable under clause35 hereof if the contract had been terminated under the provisions of 35 hereof.
37 settlement of disputes   arbitration
  if at any time, any question, disputes or differences whatso - ever shall arise between the purchaser and the contractor, upon or in relation to, or in connection with this contraot, either partymay forthwith give to the other, notice in writing of the existence of such question, dispute or difference and same shall be referred to the addication of, three arbitrators, one to be nominated by the purchaser, the other by the contractor and the third by the president of the international chamber of commerce, in the case of foreign contractors and secretary - general of the engineering institute of parcheesi, in the case of local contractors. if either of the parties fails to appoint its arbitrator within sixty (60)days al-ter receipt of notice of the appointment of its arbitrator, then the president of the international chamber of commerce or the president of the institution of engineers, parcheesi as the case may be, shall have the power, at the request of either of the parties toappoint an arbitrator. a certified copy of the president making such an appointment shall be furnished to both parties.
  the arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the rules and procedures for arbitration of the international chamber of commerce, paris in the case of foreign contractors and provisions of arbitration act of the kingdom of parcheesi or any statutory modification thereof in the case of local contractors , and shall be held at such place and time in parcheesi as the arbitrators may determine .the decision of the majority of arbitrators shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto and the expense of the arbitration shall be paid as may be determined by the arbitrators.#p#分页标题#e#
  performance under the contract shall, if reasonably possible, continue during the arbitration proceedings and payments due to the contractor by the purchaser shall not be withheld unless they are the subject matter of the arbitration proceedings.
38 notices
  all certificates, notices or written orders to be given by the employer to the contractor under the terms of the contract shall be served by sending by post to or delivering the same to the contractor' s principal place of business, or such other address as the contractor shall nominate for this purpose.
  all notices to be given to the employer under the terms of the contract shall be served by sending by post or delivering the same to the respective addresses nominated for that purpose in these conditions.
39 default of employer
  (1) in the event of the employer:
    (a)failing to pay to the contractor the amount due under any certificate of payment within 90 days after the same shall have become due under the terms of the contract, subject to any de - duction that the employer is entitled to make under the con - tract; or
    (b)interfering with or obstructing or refusing any required approval to the issue of any such certificates; or
    (c)giving formal notice to the contractor that for unforeseen reasons, due to economic dislocation, it is impossible for him to continue to meet his contractual obligations.
  the contractor shall be entitled to terminate his employment under the contract after giving fourteen days' prior written notice to the employer.
  (1) upon the expiry of the fourteen days' notice referred to in sub - (1) of this clause, the contractor shall, notwith- standing the provisions of 30, first paragraph hereof, with all reasonable despath, remove from the site all constructional plant brought by him thereon.
  (2) in the event of such termination the employer shall be under the same obligations to the contractor in regard to pay -ment as if the contract has been terminated under the provisions of 35 (8) hereof ,the employer shall pay to the contractor the amount of any loss or damage to the contractor arising out of or in connection with or by consequence of such termination.#p#分页标题#e#
40 language
  all notices, instructions, correspondence or any other written documentation concerning the contract between the government agency of the employer and the contractor shall be in english and/or cheesic.
41 laws to be observed
  in connection with the performance of work under the contract, the employer, its representative, personnel, technicians or dependents of the contractor shall observe and comply with the parcheesian law.
  this contract is made in two indentical counterparts in english of which both the employer and the contractor after thorough undertaking have hereunto signed their names with seal affixed (if any), in the presence of witnesses. each party holds one copy.
employee(signed):_________      contractor(signed):_________
date:_________             date:_________

第一条 房屋基地坐落:_________等_________号土地上,_________形式_________楼房屋约_________平方米(含阳台、公共设施在内,以土地局核定的图样为准),精确面积以当地政府机关丈量结果为依据。
第二条 本约房屋总金额人民币_________元整(包括房屋造价以及施工用料说明所列各项在内)。
第三条 付款办法
第四条 前条第二项如办理贷款时,应依另立的代办贷款委托书的约定办理。
第五条 前条第二项贷款,甲方应自使用许可证领到日起至贷款领到日止支付银行放款利率计算的利息予乙方。
第六条 本约房屋的施工标准,按建筑管理机关核准的建筑图说及本约所附施工说明办理,不得有省工减料现象发生,甲方对于内部装设变更时,须征得乙方的同意,所需工料费用另行计算。
第七条 乙方应自本工程开工之日起_________工作天内完工,如有逾期,乙方愿每逾一日给付甲方人民币_________元以作逾期罚款金,但如因天灾人祸非人力所能抗拒的事故发生,或因甲方变更设计,或甲方延迟交款所致的,不在此限。
第八条 关于楼下空地及楼顶阳台使用权属范围如下:
第九条 楼梯、通道、及巷道均系公共通行,任何一层住户均不得放置影响通行的物品以利通行。
第十条 本约房屋所有权登记所需各项产权凭证由乙方负责提供,于房屋完工时,交由乙方特约的代书统一办理,登记所需的房屋契税、监证费、登记费、复丈费、印花税、代理费等,按通知期限内由甲方负担并交付予乙方。
第十一条 若因使用道路,政府课征有关道路的任何费用以及其他临时税捐时,均由甲方按所占的持分土地面积分担。
第十二条 本约房屋所需缴纳的房屋税,自本工程完工水电接通之日起,其税单不论开具甲方或乙方名义,皆应归甲方负担缴纳。
第十三条 本约乙方已向土地局领得建造许可证,并依计划施工,而甲方未及时列为起造人时,乙方已完成部分工程所需契税,则依法由甲方负担,但若经列为起造人,甲方不得要求变更起造人名义,以利工程顺利进行。
第十四条 本约甲方应付乙方的各期价款应于接到通知书五日内给付现款,倘逾十五日仍未缴付的,即视同自愿放弃权利,本约即行作废,所缴价款俟甲方自行另召新订户以一个月为限,逾一个月则乙方可没收甲方所缴的全部价款,以及已完成的房屋,甲方均无异议。逾期损失计算标准,自逾期缴款日起至另召新订户之日止每逾一日以人民币_________元计算。此外,若甲方以支票支付应付的款项,倘支票全部或一部分不能兑现时,视为违约。
第十五条 本约房屋移交甲方接管后,乙方负责保修一年(门窗、玻璃、水电配件或非因施工不良导致损坏的,不在此限)。#p#分页标题#e#
第十六条 甲方应凭乙方所给迁入证明及本契约书始得迁入,并取得迁入证明前必须缴清各期款顶、各项税费以及代书费。
第十七条 本约甲方全权委托乙方代为监造施工,甲方不得因其他原因中止或片面解除本约,乙方为工程的进行及施工的监造,均应以善良管理人的注意为之,若有本约所未规定事项,双方应本着公平合理的方式,依照一般工程惯例处理。
第十八条 本约一式两份,双方各执一份为凭。
甲方(委建人)(盖章):_________   乙方(承建人)(盖章):_________   
代表人(签字):_________       代表人(签字):_________       
住址:_________            住址:_________            
身份证统一号码:_________       身份证统一号码:_________       
_________年____月____日        _________年____月____日   

    第二条 工程师应负责履行发出指令、颁发证书等合同规定的义务。如果在业主对工程师的任命中要求工程师在履行其部分职责时需经业主特殊同意,应在第二部分中予以规定。
    第三条 未经业主书面同意,承包人不得将全部或部分合同,或合同收益(除了向承包人的开户银行支付到期款项外)转让。
    第四条 承包人不得分包整个工程。除非合同另有规定,承包人未经工程师的书面同意,不得将工程的任何部分分包出去。即使工程师同意分包,承包人仍将承担合同义务。分包人及其代理人、工人的行为、失误、失职将象承包人及其代理人、工人的行为、失误、失职一样,由承包人承担责任。为某部分工程提供劳力将不被视作分包。
    2.1 分包人应按分包合同的规定履行,完成,养护分包工程,务必做到总包人及工程师的满意,所谓满意必须合乎情理。
    2.2 按第四条规定,分包人应提供劳务,材料,建造工场,临时工房以及为了履行,完成,养护分包工程所需的暂时或水久性质的一切设备。
    2.3 除事先取得总包人书面许可外,分包人不得将本分包合同的部分或全部利益转让他人,或将本分包工程的部分或全部再分包给他人。
    3.1 本总包合同的各条规定,分包人应充分了解,确切明了,(但其中总包合同规定的总包价款,以及工程数量单内估算的单价等除外)分包人如需要时,可以径自出费向总包人索取一份总包合同的原抄本。(价款不包括在内)
    3.2 除分包合同另有规定外,分包人应如实履行,完成,养护其分包工程,务求不至因其关联方面的节略而构成总包人的失职,无法履行总包合同规定的义务;分包人(除另有规定外)应负起并执行分包合同在总包合同相关联的所有义务与责任。
    3.3 由于分包人方面损害分包合约致造成总包人不能尽其责任,招致索赔,求偿,诉讼,损失,费用等情,分包人应予赔偿。
    3.4 此处分包人须确认:由其损害,违反分包合同势将导致总包人犯损害,违反总包合同的过失,从而对总包合同及其他负有损失的责任,此种损失与费用必须双方同意认为是由于分包方失职造成的可能导致的后果。
    4.1 关于提供和使用施工中架搭脚手架(从略)
    4.2 总包人应在工地提供第四附表内指定的建筑工场及其他设施以利于履行完成分包工程_________(其他从略)
    5.1 分包人按分包工程在工地施工时,必须遵循总包人同样的工作时间,对施工规定的所有合理的规章制度,材料到达和运离工地的时间等。(其余从略)
    5.2 总包人为使分包人能按分包合约顺利施工,必须使分包人能进入工地的一部份或几个部分,并使用该进入工地便道。但分包人不能认为因此而占有控制工地的任何部分。
    5.3 分包人应允许工程师,及其代表,雇员,总包人在施工钟点内方便进入分包工程处所,工地场所,以便进行材料的准备贮放_________。#p#分页标题#e#
    6.1 分包人必须在接到总包人书面指示十天以内进入工地开始履行分包工作,辛勤以赴,不得耽误。但遇到情况完全出乎分包人控制之外或经由总包人指示批准者除外。但在本条本款约束下,分包人仍应在第三附表内所规定时间内完成分包工程任务。
    6.2 在执行分包工程中,由于下列各点所造成的耽误:
    6.3 凡附表三内指明的几个分包工程部分所需几个不同完成的期限,在本条各款含意之内,它们必作为整体的分包工程看待。
    6.4 本条并无任何牵制分包人在接获总包人书面通知(如6.1分款提出的)以前任一时间到场开工以完成任务的含意。
    7.1 分包人在第八条约束,必须于接获总包人的书面通知指示后遵从工程师及其代表有关工程改动的指示和决定进行工作,该项改动不论是否载明于总包合同内,都应遵从。由于遵从按照该项改变工作则分包人向总包人收费,得享有如同总包人按总合同向雇主方面收费的同等权利。再则,倘如工程师的指示和决定根据总包合同认为缺效或不当,分包人在执行其义务后(按第14条)得以向总包人索取其额外合理的费用。但由于分包人对分包合同失职导致的费用不在此列。
    7.2 总包人对于分包工程具有发施号令与裁定的权力,尤如在总包合同规定下工程师对于总包工程的权力一样,分包人有遵照执行的同等义务。并具有在总包合同规定下如同总包人同等的权利。所谓总包人的权力包括在任何情况下得以使用的权力,不论在总包合约规定下工程师曾否使用该项权力。
    8.1 分包人务须按照下列情况更改,增添,节除其分包合同的工程:
    8.2 凡直接发自雇主,工程师有关分包工程改动而未经证实的指示,分包人不应予以遵从,倘若分包人接有此类直接的指示,必须立即通知总包人的代理人员或总包工程的领班。倘如接获的是直接的书面指示,也须缴付给他。分包人只有在接获总包人的书面指示下,才应遵从办理,该项书面指示总包人必将尽速送到。
    8.3 除上述情况外,分包人对分包工程不得作任何更改和变动。
    9.1 所有分包工程,经授权更改部份的估价应按本条,并根据附表三内所列款额加以增,减调整办理。
    9.2 关于受权更改工程的估价应按照分包合同内类似工程的单价垒算,倘其中无此单价,或其中单价不适于引用,另估的价额必须公平合理,所谓估价的公平合理应参照总包合同内相同更改工程的估价为准。
    9.3 分包工程经授权更改亦即构成总包合同工程内容的更改,这项更改须由工程师加以检验测量,应认为分包合同内的价格须视检验测量结果作为更改工程价格计算的依据。工程师检验,测量时总包人应允许分包人到场参加,在总包合同下进行此种检验测量亦包含分包合同工程更改的部份,亦应据此估价。
    9.4 除本分包合同附件“工程数量清单”明显载明有相反的规定外,该单内载明的工程数量并不作为对分包人完满地完成工程数量的限制。但实际完成清单内规定的超额部分须加以检验测量,照例估价,其性质与工程受权更改的完全相同。务须对附表9.3内原定价款作必要的增删。
    10.1 在总包合同3条涉及的总体利益不受损害的前提下,按总包合同规定总包人必须向工程师或雇主递交统计报表,帐目,通知;同此,分包人也应向总包人递交书面的统计报表,帐目和通知以便于后者履行合同义务,上述书面文件务须尽早递交俾使总包人有充分时间并及时地遵守履行合约职责。
    10.2 分包人遵循执行本分条规定时,总包人如遇到有鉴于分包人在执行分约工程中付出的艰巨劳力,遭遇的人为障碍,克服困难的环境,应采取一切合理的步骤向雇主处取得可以索赔的经济利益,分包人须在充分时间内向总包人提供所有情况与协助,以便总包人向雇主索取此项利益,总包人在收取雇主给予的此种经济利益时,须按比例公平合理分配其部份于分包人。但分包人在执行分包工程中所遇的情况,障碍,环境与执行工程无关的,总包人不负此种责任,因为分包人自已提出的足够偿付工程价款应该认为是正确和满足的。#p#分页标题#e#
    10.3 倘如由于分包人方面违反本条(1)款内规定的理由,而总包人难于从雇主处追回总包合约内规定的款项,于是在不损害总包人的补救办法下,总包人得以由于这种违反规定从应属于分包人的款项中扣除部份数目。
    11.1 总包合同载明提供建造工场,临时厂房,材料物料一则,这种财产在某种情况下是应归属于雇主的,为了进行分包工程关系,该建造工场,临时厂房,材料,物料是由分包人提供的,但为了执行总包工程,该财产在归属雇主之前,须由分包人直接交总包人,再在施工中由总包人分发转交分包人使用以明手续。
    11.2 关于工厂、厂房方面其它规定与疏浚吹填无关(此处从略)。
    12.1 分包人于执行,养护,完成其工程中。凡造成他人(包括总包人的雇员,代理人)的身体伤害。财产损失,完全负有对总包人赔偿之责,这些受到损害人如向总包人索取所有的代价,费用,开支亦须由分包人付给。
    12.2 在总包合约规定由总包人负责赔偿的情况下。分包人得以据此向总包人索取赔偿到规定程度不得超过。
    13.1 除附表五第一部份内另有说明外,分包人必须对该表内规定的人员,为他们可能遭遇的危险,进行人身保险,该保险期始自他们进入工地施工之时到他们履行义务终了止(按14条规定)
    13.2 附表五内第二部份所列的保险单,总包人必须维持其有效期直至总包工程全部完成止或总包人所冒工程的风险终了为止。倘如该保险单内规定在一定时期一定情况下属于分包人的工程建筑工厂、临时工房,材料或其物品遭到损坏而可以索赔的话,分包人应该取得该赔款或其损失的价值,按该两项价值较少的付给,并应申请该遭到毁坏或受损可以换新或修理的价款数目。除上述情况外,在总包工程按总包合同规定完成以前,分包人应自负分包工程的风险。或者倘如总包工程规定并非分段完成的,须等到分包工程所属的最后一段完成,在此以前分包人须自费担负弥补分包工程中发生的损失和损害。
    13.3 在充分完成该义务以前任何时期内签约任何一方务须凭借本条的规定。力求实现并维获保险事宜。任何一方如要求另一方出示相应的保险单及其付费收据,应按照办理。否则另一方可以代为进行保险,并从对方帐内扣除该项费用。#p#分页标题#e#
    14.1 倘如在总包工程完成以前分包人已完成其本身工程或则根据总包同规定总包工程须分段完成的,而分包工程列于其中最后的工段,在此最后工段完工以前,分包人应养护其工程使之处于完整状态并应修补(无论何种原因产生的)其缺陷并弥补其未臻完善之处以待总包工程或最后工段完满结束为止。并按照13条内,除上述的缺陷或不够完善之处确由于雇主,他的雇员,代理人的错误与疏忽,或总包人方面的雇员,代理人的错误与疏忽引起的以外,分包人不得对该项增加的工作要求额外付款。
    14.2 在总包工程完工以后或者属于最后工段的分包工程完成后,分包人应维护其工程,并应修补其缺陷,弥补其不够完善之处,这情形如同总包人根据总包合同规定的有责于同一时期,同一条件下进行这项弥补的工作一样。在本分条款规定下,倘若系出于总包人及其雇员,代理人的疏忽,错误的缘因,致使分包人担负修补工程缺陷,弥补其不够完善之处,则总包人就不能引据总包合同赋予他的相应权利,他应该偿付分包人为了进行修补缺陷,弥补不够完善处的合理价值。
    15.1 在执行分包工程期间,分包人应按时在总包人提出的七天的时间以内。具备书面通知递交总包人,其中载明按分包合同要求做好的工程予以报价以及按分包合同内规定的时期内送到工地的材料价款。该项书面通知的格式和内容须遵从总包人合理提出的制图,并做好工程部份的报价,须按分包合同内载明的单价计算。(如其中未载明单价的,则参照价款计算)。
    15.2 总包人应按时根据总包合同规定迅速申请付款,在申请书内要提到根据总包合同以及分包人已按照上述条款履行义务因而申请应得的价款数目和运到工地的材料费。(3)总包人自雇主处领取所有关系分包工程的付款,应在他领款七天以内按分包合同内载明的单价计算其数目(或参照价款计算)付给分包人,但须按照附表(3)内指明的比率扣除留置款。一直扣到附表(3)内(如有载明的话)指明的留置款期限到达为止。
    15.4 在总包合同规定下的付款实际是从总包工程的留置款的前半部或后半部项下拨付的。(总包工程是分段完成的,而分包工程又是属于最后一工段的)总包人一经收到此款就应于七天之内将分包合同保留的留置款内前半或后半部拨款交付给分包人。
    15.5 在分包人根据第14条规定完满结束其任务的三个月以内或者在总包人根据其总包合同规定全部取得付款的14天之内(按照两者中较早的为准)一一此处假定分包人递送最后帐目的时间已逾一个月一一总包人应将价款及其他属于分包人的款项付给分包人,其中应扣除后者已经收到款项。#p#分页标题#e#
    15.6 总包人对于分包人遭到与其工程有关的事故,事端或分包工程的执行问题并不负有责任,但在工程师签发有关总包工程的养护证明()以前,分包人缮具书面有关事故索赔要求递交总包人或者在按段完成总工程中,分包工程属于最后工段者不在此列。
    16.1 倘使在分包人按本合同规定全部完满地执行其义务以前,总包人不论以任何理由宣告总包合同的终止,则总包人须在此时以后用书面通知交分包人立即终止分包合同所规定的雇用关系。此时分包人在11条约束下(材料财产权)应尽快地从工地搬走其建筑工场和撤离其人员。
    16.2 分包人的雇用关系一经宣告终止,本分包合同内的其他各条规定也就自行停止生效。引用第3条规定:分包人得以领取全部价款,该价款是按工程数量单内所列的单价或价款计算的,或照本合同附表分包人在工地所有正式竣工的价格以及分包人已购买和留存工地的材料价格,再加上他须从工地撤离建筑工场的合理价格,但应当扣除分包人已经领到的价款部份数目。另外,倘如在宣告此项合同终止的当天,分包人已经正式备好或在工地以外安装完毕的物件以备随后装配于分包工程中之用,他应当遵从总包人合理指示,将该项物件运达工地或其他处所,分包人得以如同他将物件留放在工地一样领取款额。对于合同宣告终止以前的本条的规定并不影响在签约的任一方违犯职责时另一方的合法权益,也不影响在宣告终止以前赋予分包人领取价款以外任何款项的权益。
    16.3 倘若是由于分包人违犯分包合同规定的原因而导致雇主宣告终止总包合同的,那么上条关于付款的各项规定就不得加以引用。就此总包人与分包人的权利相同,有如分包人因违犯之故放弃本合同,总包人也按(1)款发出终止的通知择取而接受本合同的放弃一样。
    17.1 倘如分包人:
    17.2 合同按照这种情况终止时,引据以上条款,总包人和分包人的权利和责任就相同了,有如分包人放弃了本合同,总包人也按上列条款规定以书面递交终止的通则,择权而接受其放弃一样。
    17.3 总包人可以不用按本条发出其合同停止的通知而只从分包人之手接收过来分包工程,可以亲自由他自己,他的雇员或他的代理人来执行完成和养护工程的剩余部份,碰到这些情况,他这样做还可以从分包人处收回其合理的款值或者从即将归属于分包人的款项内扣除相当的一部份下来。
    18.1 倘如总包人在关于本分包合同方面与分包人发生争议,那就归属于本条规定范围之内,应当提请仲裁和由双方同意的人作最后裁决或如双方不能同意则在任一方申请下,暂由英国土木工程协会主任委任协会仲裁。
    18.2 倘如关于总包合同方面发生争议,且总包人认为该项争议涉及或关系到分包合同工程方面,再假设双方还未同意或未委任仲裁人以履行上述条款的话,总包人可以书面通知分包人要求将本分包合同的争执事项提交仲裁人(他已经兼管总包合同方面的争议了),如果该仲裁人愿意接受处理本合同争议的话(该仲裁以下称共同仲裁人)。遇到这种事,共同仲裁人可以在取得雇主准许下,按他自已认为公正可行的办法,决定同时或先后处理该争议,并可决定分包人作为一造对总包人与雇主为一造发生争议。并将罗列具体事实根据分包,总包合同予以证明而加以判决争议。
    18.3 倘如双方在协议同意委任仲裁人以调解本条第一分款以前,总包人与雇主在总包合同方面发生争执,就此在法院审讯期间,又是总包人认为该项争议涉及,关系到分包工程时,他可以用书面通知分包人撤销本条(1)款规定事项,由于总包人,分包人不再提出从而不存在对本合同的提请仲裁问题。
    19.1 本条内提及的“法令”系指一九七二年财政法令第一部(送经修正的),“税”,“应完税人”,“应完税物品”与法令的词汇同一意义。
    19.2 分包人不应将税金列入价款之内,如他缴付给海关关长的税金,执照税,对总包人提供的可供完税的物品,后者应载明于分包合同内。#p#分页标题#e#
    19.3 在递送完成部份工程帐目报表要求付款时,或送上的文件含有上述情形时,分包人不应将完税款项以单独项目列入并要求偿付。



